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Pre-pay Meters

Information for people with prepay meters who are self-isolating or affected by Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

If you are self-isolating or recovering from Coronavirus, this will mean you may not be able to leave your home. This can be a problem if you have a prepay meter, which requires you to go to the shop to top up.

Different energy suppliers will have their own ways of dealing with this, which can include one or more of the following options:

Smart meter top up – you can do this online using the usual process. If you are struggling financially due to working restrictions, your energy supplier may be able to top up your meter if it is an emergency situation.

Electrcity key or gas card top up – you can pay your supplier directly by phone and they will then send a special code to a pay-point near to you. This code can then be picked up by family or friends. If you don’t have anyone who can do this for you, your supplier may be able to send a key or card to your home that will allow you to top up.

General tips – if you are not self-isolating, it’s a good idea to keep topping your meter up with extra money whenever you can to build up plenty of credit in case you have to self-isolate at a later date.

If you or anyone in your homes has any underlying health conditions, you should also contact your energy supplier to let them know. They will add you to the Priority Service Register, which will give you extra support should you need it.

If you are self-isolating, you should contact your energy company as soon as you become aware of an issue to do with your prepay meter, as some of the solutions above can take a few days.

The main energy suppliers and their contact details are listed below. Many of these suppliers have a live chat option on their website if you have no phone credit.


Customer Services - 0345 026 2658

Priority Service 0345 071 9852


Customer Service – 0333 200 5100


0345 303 3040

Utilita -

Customer Service 0345 2067 33


Customer Service 0300 303 0635


Customer Service 0330 102 7517

Scottish Power -

Customer Service 0800 027 0072

Scottish/ British Gas -

Customer Service 0220 100 0303

Npower -

Customer Service 0330 100 3000

text phone 0800 413 016

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